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Thread: divided path "mass" with In-Place mass

  1. #1
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    Question divided path "mass" with In-Place mass

    Has anyone used the In-Place Mass within a project to place a divided path "mass"? I am trying to place some brackets along a curving path with a maximum distance between points. I have a round HSS tube modeled and go into a 3D view with only the analytical model shown. I then go to the Site and Massing tab pick the "In Place Mass" tool and then use the "pick lines" option under tools to select the analytical line, finish the "mass" with Revit complaining there is no mass and cannot compute areas or floors, go and reselect the "mass" to use the divide path option and then pick the divided path options that I want.

    Anyone else use a similar workflow?

    I was also going to try and use an adaptive component family but this above workflow seems to work. I would think Dynamo could do the same but my Dynamo skills are very week.

    Any insights are welcome.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: divided path "mass" with In-Place mass

    But, did that work? What is the final goal? Can you attach an image?
    You don't say in your message if that workflow worked or not, only if anyone else has used the same workflow.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: divided path "mass" with In-Place mass

    Well, I think it worked. I am unsure if anyone else has used this workflow, which is sort of why I am asking the question.

    The goal is to be able to place a bracket along a divided path with that path being defined by a curving HSS tube member.

    Here is a screencapture of the divided path "mass" - sorry I don't have the bracket family at home but can post it Monday when I get back to work.curve.jpg

    So far two other Revit experts I know have said they did not know that one could place just a reference line and then have it divided within a Project. Searching Google has not given me much, so here I post.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: divided path "mass" with In-Place mass

    Quote Originally Posted by Alfredo Medina View Post
    But, did that work? What is the final goal? Can you attach an image?
    You don't say in your message if that workflow worked or not, only if anyone else has used the same workflow.
    here is a better screenshot of what I am trying to do: walkway.jpg

    Is this some totally undocumented workflow that I have come across?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: divided path "mass" with In-Place mass

    Well, it seems that all you need to know is if you have discovered something, but in reality there is no issues in the solution; you got what you wanted to do, correct?
    Well, I don't know if this is documented or not. I saw something in Autodesk University about using the analytical lines of walls, with a curved top profile, combined with the "pick lines" tool to create some new curved beams. Not exactly the same, but similar. So, it is very difficult to know if a solution has been used before or not.

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