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Thread: Importing Solidworks Assemblies into AutoCAD 2015

  1. #1
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    Default Importing Solidworks Assemblies into AutoCAD 2015

    Part 1
    I have a Solidworks assembly that is 7.5 MB in size. I IMPORT the Solidworks assembly file directing in to AutoCAD. The file comes in at 10MB as blocks. Some of the blocks are sub-assemblies from Solidworks, so I have blocks within blocks.

    But as I work on the file in AutoCAD such as exploding the blocks down to their 3D solid form, the file size gets to be 15 MB. I have also tried NOT exploding the blocks and the file size is a little smaller. I can get the file size down to 13 MB with all the AutoCAD tricks. (Overkill, -purge, regapps, -wblock, overkill, audit, Brep)

    Do you have any idea on how to get the file size of the IMPORTED Solidworks assembly files even smaller?

    Part 2

    When I look at the blocks in the imported file, I notice some blocks that should not be there. It seems that during the import of the Solidworks file, I am getting what I call “zero length blocks”. I other words, nothing is in the block when I insert it. It seems that Solidworks is importing block objects that have no geometry in them. Any ideas what is causing this?



  2. #2
    Certified AUGI Addict jaberwok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Importing Solidworks Assemblies into AutoCAD 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by annniee.smith704711 View Post

    from the help menu:
    IMPORT supports the following versions of Solidworks® files:

    *.prt, *.sldprt (part) - versions 2003 - 2010
    *.asm, *.sldasm (assembly) - versions 2003 -2010
    The following data types are translated:

    Multi Solids
    Wire Geometry (2D & 3D)

    Is that suppposed to be helpful ?

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