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Ok, I don't understand how this would work. Does this enable the numbering automatically thru SSM, including inserting or deleting sheets from the set?
For instance:
I have drawings C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5 as my set. I need to automatically have SSM count up the number of sheets and put "1 of 5" on sheet C1, "2 of 5" on sheet C2, etc. Then, when I insert a sheet "C2a" in the middle, I need it to renumber everything after that automatically.
Is the above possible?
Depending on your file naming this can be accomplished with relatively simple diesel expressions. I've used them quite successfully in sheet numbering as well as matchlines (iterating for previous and next sheets accordingly).
Diesel expressions won't supply the total sheet count of course, but they operate completely independent of SSM and are closer to "automatic".
Below are some sample expressions for matchline text (3 digit numbers, and 7 charachter file names [without extension]):
Decreasing number (previous sheet):
Increasing number (next sheet):
As for the original question, BlackBox pretty much nailed the answer and MMccall.83699's comment about adding a custom property to hold the total sheet count is something I do as well.
I'll second joshc96's praise for JTBWorld's SSMPropEditor; if you use it more than once, it's paid for itself.
For my rant, I'll simply wish to see SSM act more like a real database at some point in the future. Enough so that you can setup placeholders and call their values from within the sheet set rather than concatenate fields in the drawings. It could be akin to referencing cells within an Excel spreadsheet (I realize Excel is not a "real database" but the dynamic updating it offers would be welcome in my CAD files any day). Seems doable.