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Thread: Attribute in s block linking to excel

  1. #1
    Wish List Administration
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    Default Attribute in s block linking to excel

    Summary: I would relly like to link 3 x attributes in a block with excel spredsheet and update both ways.

    Description: I have a block with 3 x Attributes. I would too be able to change the drawing and it auto update the excel spreadsheet and also change the excel spreadsheet and it change the drawing.

    I am currently using attin and attout.

    Any thoughts?



    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - DWG

    Submitted By: Richard Gorrod on 05/04/2015

  2. #2
    Wish List Administration
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    Exclamation Re: Attribute in s block linking to excel

    Attribute in s block linking to excel

    Summary: I would relly like to link 3 x attributes in a block with excel spredsheet and update both ways.

    Description: I have a block with 3 x Attributes. I would too be able to change the drawing and it auto update the excel spreadsheet and also change the excel spreadsheet and it change the drawing.

    I am currently using attin and attout.

    Any thoughts?



    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - DWG

    Submitted By: Richard Gorrod on 05/04/2015

  3. #3
    Wish List Administration
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    Exclamation Re: Attribute in s block linking to excel

    Attribute in s block linking to excel

    Summary: I would relly like to link 3 x attributes in a block with excel spredsheet and update both ways.

    Description: I have a block with 3 x Attributes. I would too be able to change the drawing and it auto update the excel spreadsheet and also change the excel spreadsheet and it change the drawing.

    I am currently using attin and attout.

    Any thoughts?



    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - DWG

    Submitted By: Richard Gorrod on 05/04/2015

  4. #4
    Wish List Administration
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    Exclamation Re: Attribute in s block linking to excel

    Automatic Attribute block linking to excel both ways

    Summary: I would relly like to link 3 x attributes in a block with excel spredsheet and update both ways.

    Description: I have a block with 3 x Attributes. I would too be able to change the drawing and it auto update the excel spreadsheet and also change the excel spreadsheet and it change the drawing.

    I am currently using attin and attout.

    Any thoughts?



    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - DWG

    Submitted By: Richard Gorrod on 05/04/2015

  5. #5
    Join Date

    Default Re: Attribute in s block linking to excel

    AutoCAD 's Data Extraction tools does this trick.

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