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Thread: Lisp file to delete All Xdata from selected entities regardless app name

  1. #1
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    Default Lisp file to delete All Xdata from selected entities regardless app name

    Dear Programmers,
    i found many lisp files deleting xdata but what i'm looking for is different.
    i need Lisp file to delete All Xdata from selected entities "multi select" regardless app name

    this one delete all xdata from the drawing at once . i need just to add for selection set , not one entity and not all the drawing

    (defun DelXdata (ent app / entlst tmplst)
    (setq entlst (entget ent app))
    (foreach memb (cdr (assoc -3 entlst))
    (setq tmplst (cons -3 (list (cons (car memb) nil)))
    entlst (subst tmplst (assoc -3 entlst) entlst)
    entlst (entmod entlst)
    (defun C:delAllXdata ( / curass countr)
    (setq curass (ssget "X" '((-3 ("*"))))
    countr 0
    (if curass
    (repeat (sslength curass)
    (DelXdata (ssname curass countr) '("*"))
    (setq countr (1+ countr))
    Thank you for your cooperation
    Last edited by Jmurphy; 2015-06-28 at 05:10 PM.

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time
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    Default Re: Lisp file to delete All Xdata from selected entities regardless app name

    Have you tried :

    (defun DelXdata (ent app / entlst tmplst)
    (setq entlst (entget ent app))
    (foreach memb (cdr (assoc -3 entlst))
    (setq tmplst (cons -3 (list (cons (car memb) nil)))
    entlst (subst tmplst (assoc -3 entlst) entlst)
    entlst (entmod entlst)
    (defun C:delSelXdata ( / curass countr)
    (setq curass (ssget "_:L" '((-3 ("*"))))
    countr 0
    (if curass
    (repeat (sslength curass)
    (DelXdata (ssname curass countr) '("*"))
    (setq countr (1+ countr))

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