Summary: Buttons in the context ribbon to adjust the elevations of the profile view up or down by one major interval.
Description: I often find that the profile views generated by the sheet creation will place my profile too low or too high in the view for the labels I intend to add.
It would be nice to have a set of buttons in the context sensitive profile view ribbon that would allow you to adjust the elevations up or down without changing the size of the profile view.
Example: I have a profile view generated by Create Sheets that shows 760' to 800' with a major interval of 5'. Unfortunately the profile is too low in the view for me to place labels below the profile.
I would like a button that would, with one click, automatically adjust that to 755'-795' and one that would step the other direction if I needed to go to 765-805.
This could be expanded to add and subtract intervals on top and bottom to adjust the size of the profile view.
It might also be good for section views.
If these adjustments could be done with grips like a rectangular array, that would be awesome but probably much more complicated.
Product and Feature: AutoCAD Civil 3D - Profile View
Submitted By: Aaron Litteken on 07/16/2015