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Thread: ED319-1: High Performance Buildings for Higher Education

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    Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk University's Avatar
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    Default ED319-1: High Performance Buildings for Higher Education

    Session: ED319-1

    Title: High Performance Buildings for Higher Education

    Instructor: Dana Troy

    Course Description: Buildings in the higher education system often come with a unique set of requirements and restrictions that differentiate them from typical commercial buildings. At colleges, the professors are the employees and the president is the owner, while the students are the clients—and each has his or her own perspective on how the buildings should be designed and operated. This class will discuss innovative solutions for new construction and existing buildings on college campuses. Glumac offers a unique perspective on maintaining client and owner expectations about building operation, energy performance and occupant comfort that stems from years of experience working with colleges in various microclimates throughout the United States.
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