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Thread: Dynamo AutoCAD/Civil 3D Integrations

  1. #1
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    Default Dynamo AutoCAD/Civil 3D Integrations

    Hi all,
    I was wondering what it takes to build some dynamo nodes able to interact with autocad and Civil 3D. I saw what can be done with the bridge package, and I would like to automate it further by accessing the civil 3D document instead of having to export the report.

    After some research I figured out that I cannot control autocad with .net api from an outside process, so the options are:
    1 - write the nodes with the Interop library/ COM API
    2 - use some IPC techniques (WCF? WEB api? simple Named Pipes?) and write a .NET AutoCAD/Civil Plugin that act as a server for the Nodes calls.

    #1 can be really slow, and since everyone is saying I should avoid COM, then so be it. But #2 seems like a lot of work to me, especially because I never did any IPC.
    Is there a magic wand to expose all the AutocAD .NET API via some IPC mechanism?
    Did you come up with better solutions?

  2. #2
    Woo! Hoo! my 1st post
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    Default Re: Dynamo AutoCAD/Civil 3D Integrations

    I noticed your question is repeated on the dynamo forum and it may be useful to some so I'm linking it here:

  3. #3
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Columbia/Jefferson City, MO

    Default Re: Dynamo AutoCAD/Civil 3D Integrations

    Quote Originally Posted by a.ghensi689507 View Post
    Hi all,
    I was wondering what it takes to build some dynamo nodes able to interact with autocad and Civil 3D. I saw what can be done with the bridge package, and I would like to automate it further by accessing the civil 3D document instead of having to export the report.

    After some research I figured out that I cannot control autocad with .net api from an outside process, so the options are:
    1 - write the nodes with the Interop library/ COM API
    2 - use some IPC techniques (WCF? WEB api? simple Named Pipes?) and write a .NET AutoCAD/Civil Plugin that act as a server for the Nodes calls.

    #1 can be really slow, and since everyone is saying I should avoid COM, then so be it. But #2 seems like a lot of work to me, especially because I never did any IPC.
    Is there a magic wand to expose all the AutocAD .NET API via some IPC mechanism?
    Did you come up with better solutions?
    Did you find any further information about your question? I am also exploring ways of how to use Dynamo with Civil 3D. Thank you for posting this.

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