I want to use a dimention style in multiple drawings, can I copy/export a dimstyle and re-use it in another drawing?
I want to use a dimention style in multiple drawings, can I copy/export a dimstyle and re-use it in another drawing?
Absolutely, the best way to do this is use Design Center and drag the dimstyle(s) or just about anything else from one drawing to the one you're in.
Many users have a template drawing file that contains lots of things they use over and over and either start a new drawing with that template, or use the template to drag stuff from.
Have a look into Design Center (ctrl+2) or "adc" on the command line.
Also look into template files.
(BTW I don't know how all that works with Mac, but that's how it's done in the normal world
I dont think the Mac version has a Design Center, Ctrl-2 brings up the Content window.
However, I found out that if I copied a leader from one drawing to another, the DimStyle came along so I could choose it from the Dimension Style window.