I know I should be coding in .NET by now (And I'm doing it for some of my project), but I have developed an excel Workbook for our company projects management that also automates some of the tedious works in autocad (filling title and revision blocks, publishing and moving files around as needed). I chose to stay with Excel/VBA in order to have a single, portable Tool.
I would like to integrate the ability to make an etransmit from the selected drawings in the drawing list worksheet, and I found that there is the TRANSMITTALLib object library available for this purpose.

I have some problems to create the TransmittalOperation in VBA Excel: after adding the reference to "C:\Program Files\Autodesk Shared\AcETransmit19.tbl", If I try to execute
Dim tro As TransmittalOperation
Set tro = New TransmittalOperation
I get an "Automation error". (Note that in Autocad 2015 VBAIDE everything works fine)
I tried to use the CreateObject or AutocadApp.GetInterfaceObject but I can't find the exact ProgID/class application and name to be loaded. Is it "TRANSMITTALLib.TransmittalOperation"? I tried to use it in both methods but I get the "ActiveX component can't create object" error.

Is it possible at all to use it inside Excel?