I'm trying to import a DEM (.tif) to create a surface. I'm using Prospector > Create Surface > Create Surface from DEM, and selecting the DEM. Once it is created, I go to right click it to set its properties in order to make sure it is in Florida State Plane. In the properties window, there is no ability for me to change any of the property Values. (see screenshot below).
I can open this DEM in GIS and it is correctly able to be geo-referenced to NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Florida_East_FIPS_0901_Feet. Is it something involving the files that sit along with the .tif in the file folder? The extensions of the files other than the .tif associated with the DEM are: .ovr, .tim.aux.xml, .tfw, and .ovr
Any help would be appreciated!