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Thread: Modification to a lisp (needs to change the lisp code)

  1. #1
    Login to Give a bone

    Default Modification to a lisp (needs to change the lisp code)

    Dear Valuable Members,

    Hoping I will get a solution from you guys. I have a lisp that can erase all entities inside a selected boundary. But I need to change it as It Should erase outside the selected boundary. The existing lisp code is below. Please change the code as I require. Thanks in advance. Please do email to

    (defun c:EIB ()
    "\nPick a CLOSED POLYLINE (and everything inside will be erased)..."
    (setq CLOSEDPOLY
    (car (entsel "\nSelect object :"))
    (if (/= CLOSEDPOLY nil)
    (vlax-get-property CLOSEDPOLY 'objectname)
    (if (= POLYTRUEFALSE "AcDbPolyline")
    (if (/= CLOSEDTRUEFALSE :vlax-true)
    (setq CLOSEDPOLY nil)
    (princ "\nThe POLYLINE isn't CLOSED...")
    (setq CLOSEDPOLY nil)
    (princ "\nSelect a POLYLINE...")
    (while (= CLOSEDPOLY nil)
    (princ "\nNothing Selected...")
    (setq CLOSEDPOLY
    (car (entsel "\nSelect object :"))
    (if (/= CLOSEDPOLY nil)
    (vlax-get-property CLOSEDPOLY 'objectname)
    (if (= POLYTRUEFALSE "AcDbPolyline")
    (vlax-get-property CLOSEDPOLY 'closed)
    (if (/= CLOSEDTRUEFALSE :vlax-true)
    (setq CLOSEDPOLY nil)
    (princ "\nThe POLYLINE isn't CLOSED...")
    (setq CLOSEDPOLY nil)
    (princ "\nSelect a POLYLINE...")
    (setq ENDPARAM (fix (vlax-curve-getEndParam CLOSEDPOLY)))
    (setq COUNT 0)
    (setq listapt nil)
    (while (<= COUNT ENDPARAM)
    (setq xy (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam CLOSEDPOLY COUNT))
    (setq listapt (append listapt (list xy)))
    (setq COUNT (1+ COUNT))
    (setq lengthlista (length listapt))
    (setq pt1 (nth (- lengthlista 2) listapt)
    pt2 (nth (1- lengthlista) listapt)
    (setq strpt1 (vl-princ-to-string pt1)
    strpt2 (vl-princ-to-string pt2)
    (if (= strpt1 strpt2)
    (setq listapt (vl-remove pt1 listapt))
    (setq selset (ssget "_WP" listapt))
    (if (/= selset nil)
    (setq selnumb (sslength selset))
    (setq COUNT 0)
    (while (< COUNT selnumb)
    (setq ent (ssname selset count))
    (entdel ent)
    (setq COUNT (1+ COUNT))
    (princ "\nNo objects to erase...")
    (defun inivar ()
    (setq cmd_ini (getvar "cmdecho")
    fla_ini (getvar "flatland")
    osm_ini (getvar "osmode")
    ort_ini (getvar "orthomode")
    plt_ini (getvar "plinetype")
    aup_ini (getvar "auprec")
    uni_ini (getvar "unitmode")
    lun_ini (getvar "lunits")
    diz_ini (getvar "dimzin")
    edg_ini (getvar "edgemode")
    (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    (setvar "FLATLAND" 0)
    (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
    (setvar "ORTHOMODE" 0)
    (setvar "PLINETYPE" 2)
    (setvar "AUPREC" 0)
    (setvar "UNITMODE" 1)
    (setvar "LUNITS" 2)
    (setvar "DIMZIN" 0)
    (setvar "EDGEMODE" 1)
    (defun EICP ()
    (setvar "CMDECHO" cmd_ini)
    (setvar "FLATLAND" fla_ini)
    (setvar "OSMODE" osm_ini)
    (setvar "ORTHOMODE" ort_ini)
    (setvar "PLINETYPE" plt_ini)
    (setvar "AUPREC" aup_ini)
    (setvar "UNITMODE" uni_ini)
    (setvar "LUNITS" lun_ini)
    (setvar "DIMZIN" diz_ini)
    (setvar "EDGEMODE" edg_ini)
    ;;;--------------------end of routine-------------------------;;;
    Last edited by Opie; 2020-04-28 at 03:21 PM. Reason: [code] tags added - Opie

  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict
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    Default Re: Modification to a lisp (needs to change the lisp code)

    You need to Wrap Code tags around any code you post.

    Clicking the [Go Advanced] button at the bottom puts a toolbar at the top and the # icon in that toolbar places code tags around [code]selected text[/code] for you or simply paste your code inside.

    Getting the most relevant answers to your question
    Last edited by Tom Beauford; 2020-02-28 at 12:59 PM.

  3. #3
    All AUGI, all the time
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    Default Re: Modification to a lisp (needs to change the lisp code)

    Search for cookiecutter.lsp it does something similar and may be what you want, does inside or outside.

  4. #4
    Login to Give a bone

    Default Re: Modification to a lisp (needs to change the lisp code)

    Thanks alot for reply. I will see.

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