Is there a way to link a callout to a view contained in a different sheet set than the current sheet?

I am working on a project with a large number of sheets (approx. 600). We have a team of about 9 people working on the project and we have been running into problems when it comes to placing views on sheets, renaming/renumbering, etc... Basically, we are all trying to access the SSM and it is locking us out while one person works on it. We have another very similar project starting up and we have made the decision to split the sheet set up into multiple smaller sheet sets. We will have one sheet set with the overall drawings of the whole project, but the rest of the sheet sets will correspond to different zones of the project with their own xrefs (i.e. west wing, east wing, central atrium, etc...). The first sheetset for the overall will also have some overall details that apply to other zones as well. As a result, some of the sheets in the various sheet sets will have detail callouts that need to point to details that reside in the overall sheet set. Is there a way to dynamically link these callouts so that if we rename/renumber a sheet in the overall sheet set, the corresponding detail callouts in the zone sheet sets will also update?