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Thread: Disappearing contour lines???

  1. #1
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    Default Disappearing contour lines???

    OK here is a new one, I wanted to see more contour lines (smaller interval) so I simply reset the contour interval from one foot to .25 feet. The project site is very flat. Rather than giving me more contour lines, I got many less. Then I reset back to the one foot interval and the one foot interval lines never came back. I even rebooted AutoCAD. What the heck causes this frustrating thing and how do you fix it, preferably so it does not happen again?

    I am using Civil 3D 2017.

  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict ccowgill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Disappearing contour lines???

    Please confirm that LEVELOFDETAIL is shut off. It is an option, when on, that reduces what you see on screen to increase performance. It can be found on one of the panels of the view tab of the ribbon (sorry cant remember which panel)

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Disappearing contour lines???

    Recheck the surface style contour interval settings vs the display settings. Changing the minor contour interval will usually alter the interval for major contours. Your surface style may be set to display majors and not minors.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Disappearing contour lines???

    I'd never modify an existing Surface Style. I've added Surface Styles Contours 0.1' and 0.5' (Background) and Contours 0.2' and 1' (Design) for the same purpose without any issues. Having a Surface Style with a Minor Interval of 0.25 and a Major Interval of 1.25 sounds strange. Not sure how that would work.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Disappearing contour lines???

    I modified the "Standard" surface style and got the contours back. Don't really know why.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Disappearing contour lines???

    Quote Originally Posted by ccowgill View Post
    Please confirm that LEVELOFDETAIL is shut off. It is an option, when on, that reduces what you see on screen to increase performance. It can be found on one of the panels of the view tab of the ribbon (sorry cant remember which panel)
    You should put "levelofdetailoff" to get autocad to give you a option to change. Just putting "levelofdetail" on the command can go nowhere if you are having that happening with no contour lines. Just saying this kicks it into doing something.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Disappearing contour lines???

    Quote Originally Posted by ccowgill View Post
    Please confirm that LEVELOFDETAIL is shut off. It is an option, when on, that reduces what you see on screen to increase performance. It can be found on one of the panels of the view tab of the ribbon (sorry cant remember which panel)
    The LEVELOFDETAIL toggle button is on the Views panel of the View tab in Civil 3D 2018.

  8. #8
    Certifiable AUGI Addict ccowgill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Disappearing contour lines???

    Thanks Tom. I usually just click on panels until I find it, which doesnt help when trying to answer tech questions from memory.

  9. #9
    Administrator BlackBox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Disappearing contour lines???

    Sharing this here at AUGI as well:

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackBox
    FWIW - I recently changed employers and my new shop is still using C3D 2022, where this is very much still an issue.

    So, I developed a solution where PREVIEW Command is Veto()-ed, LEVELOFDETAILOFF Command is invoked, PREVIEW Command then re-invoked, and when complete, LEVELOFDETAIL Command is invoked turning it back on... this appears to be unnoticeable (once you turn off the disable/enable dialogs) and precludes the command line entry from going to an inactive document, allowing the benefit of using LevelOfDetail while working.

    I just used Autoloader to include a custom LEVELOFDETAILMODE system variable, and so far, it works great.

    I've already found that I also want OBJECTVIEWER accounted for, so there may be other Commands not mentioned here that would benefit, in kind.

    With this issue only applying to legacy versions (fixed in new versions), just reach out if you'd like help with the code described above.

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  10. #10
    Administrator BlackBox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Disappearing contour lines???

    Welp... this has been an issue since +/- 2014 (C3D 2015), and this :

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackBox
    lmfao... there is a simple solution... love LISP right now:

    (command ".undefine" "preview")
    ;;;(if (= 0 (getvar 'levelofdetailmode))    ; custom sysvar 
    ;;;  (setvar 'levelofdetailmode 0)
    (defun c:PREVIEW (/ *error* cmdecho nomutt)
      (defun *error* (msg)
        (if cmdecho (setvar 'cmdecho cmdecho))
        (if nomutt (setvar 'nomutt nomutt))
        (cond ((not msg))                                                   ; Normal exit
              ((member msg '("Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort")))    ; <esc> or (quit)
              ((princ (strcat "\n** Error: " msg " ** ")))                  ; Fatal error, display it
      (setq cmdecho (getvar 'cmdecho))
      (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
      (setq nomutt (getvar 'nomutt))
      (setvar 'nomutt 0)
      (*error* nil)
    "How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."

    Sincpac C3D ~ Autodesk Exchange Apps

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    Dell Precision 5860, Xeon W7-2495X, 128GB RAM, Dual PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD (RAID 0), 20GB NVIDIA RTX 4000 ADA

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