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Thread: shp files

  1. #1
    All AUGI, all the time
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    Default shp files

    i need some help please. i have a subdivision map with sewer mains, sewer manholes, water mains, valves, fire hydrants etc. the mains are currently polylines, the valves and fire hydrants are blocks.
    the manholes are solid donuts which list as polylines.

    my task is to create shape files for use in a GIS. as far as data goes, i need to provide the size, material and length of all the pipes and the location,
    type, description and size of the valves and hydrants.

    my map is on state plane coordinate system. not sure exactly how to accomplish this. the lots are all individually closed polylines, which i think i can mapexport with no problem.
    do i need to make all the pipe polylines into lines? can i put cogo points at each valve, hydrant and manhole location and export those points?

    any help and or methodology on how to accomplish this would be great as i am on a short timeline.

    thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: shp files

    If you need to provide data like size, material and other info on them I would create object data especially for the mains and attach to them. For the valve and hydrants that are blocks do they have any attributes attached to them? If not then create object data for those as well. As for the manholes, I would convert them to blocks with the data attached. Also put each type of item on its own layer if not already that way. Then export to shp file by layer and export the OD info as you export. There area a few short cuts on getting the data for example length and location by using the objects properties when you export. Good luck and post back if you need help.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: shp files

    @Jmurphy, if the manholes are blocks, how do you mapexport them to a shp file. there is no selection for blocks. does this also apply to the valves and hydrants?
    i'd like for those to transfer over as blocks/symbols so the client would know what they are. haven't figured out how to transfer blocks. suggestions?

  4. #4
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: shp files

    In the mapexport select the type as "point" for blocks. they will be points in the shp file and allow the user to assign any symbol to them when displaying.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: shp files

    thanks Jmurphy for your help, really appreciate it.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: shp files

    i'm having trouble printing legible linework. i brought in some shp files that are basically polylines. when i plot them, they are so thin you can barely see them.

    i went to style and attempted to change some things, but nothing seemed to change. any suggestions?

  7. #7
    Geospatial Moderator Jmurphy's Avatar
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    Default Re: shp files

    If you imported them you can change their properties in the layer manager dialog. If they are data connected (FDO) then use the style editor to change the line type/color. Also make sure you're not using a plotslye that sets them to thin lines or light color.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: shp files

    they are imported, so changing the style does nothing to change them? only access to change them would be thru the properties dialog, is this correct?

  9. #9
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: shp files

    Quote Originally Posted by rmk View Post
    i'm having trouble printing legible linework. i brought in some shp files that are basically polylines. when i plot them, they are so thin you can barely see them.

    i went to style and attempted to change some things, but nothing seemed to change. any suggestions?
    The quickest simplest fix is if they are polylines select them then give them the desired width in the properties manager

  10. #10
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    Default Re: shp files

    Thanks for sharing this valuable is very useful.keep it up

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