i need some help please. i have a subdivision map with sewer mains, sewer manholes, water mains, valves, fire hydrants etc. the mains are currently polylines, the valves and fire hydrants are blocks.
the manholes are solid donuts which list as polylines.
my task is to create shape files for use in a GIS. as far as data goes, i need to provide the size, material and length of all the pipes and the location,
type, description and size of the valves and hydrants.
my map is on state plane coordinate system. not sure exactly how to accomplish this. the lots are all individually closed polylines, which i think i can mapexport with no problem.
do i need to make all the pipe polylines into lines? can i put cogo points at each valve, hydrant and manhole location and export those points?
any help and or methodology on how to accomplish this would be great as i am on a short timeline.
thanks in advance.