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Thread: Title Block for Company with Different Office locations on the border

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Title Block for Company with Different Office locations on the border

    Wow, I just realized I got a couple responses here! Thank you! (I feel like I woke a forum from deep hibernation.)
    Yes, I am fairly familiar with using dynamic blocks. Albeit I have never used the "Block Properties Table" much before, especially to control the Visibility Parameter.
    Now that I have some folks attention let be paint this picture a little clearer.

    I am working to overhaul a lot of our company templates (largely due to file age) and because we just upgraded the whole company to C3D 2024 it was time.
    Our workflow and what everyone at the company is familiar with is such: We have just a couple design templates and about a half dozen sheet template files. When sheets are created in a new project they are created from a template and added to a SSM file for each project (slightly different when using the VFGs but you get it). Our sheet templates have Titleblocks with Attributes (with Fields) that pull info from the SSM to populate everything. We have way too many sheet options (between all the templates it was about 176...) and I need to reduce them in a big way. Probably at least half of our sheets are essentially copies of others, but with a different Visibility Parameter set as default due to which State/Office the project is being done out of.

    I have now spent the last two days researching around the web trying to figure out a better way to handle this. But essentially I would love to be able to set which office it's being done in in the SSM, and that then sets which visibility state is used in all the sheets associated with a project. These projects vary in size greatly but are often decently large, with sheets in many different dwg files. My research has basically lead me down the path that this wont be easily possible without some time of lisp routine (which I'll have to learn how to write)[yay new skill...], or some even more extreme programming options. I'm thinking a custom variable that lives in all the files might be needed, that then can be set, and then when the lisp runs it'll switch the visibility state in each sheet in the currently opened file. Not ideal but maybe better than nothing...

    Suggestions? Ideas?
    Thanks for any input!! I appreciate it.

    (Lastly, We don't currently create project specific templates for each project as that seems difficult to manage over long life cycles. So an xref for just the different address section wouldn't work super well because of the other slight changes... but I am going to ponder over this idea. Maybe at least for the project information (aka Sheet Set Custom Properties) we could xref, and then still use the fields for the Sheet Custom Properties... Seems like it might be more trouble than worth, and a lot of reteaching folks a new workflow.)

  2. #12
    Certified AUGI Addict cadtag's Avatar
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    Default Re: Title Block for Company with Different Office locations on the border

    The way I would approach this, is to have a single border Xref (per sheet size) saved with the project drawing sheets. On that single border Xref, would be a dynamic block with the multiple visibility states for the office location information. That border Xref would also contain an attributed block with Project specific information (project number, name. client, etc.) as well as the Sheet specific information, sheet number, title, etc.).

    The project lead tech or cad manager sets up the border, picks the visibility state, and fills in the project specific attributes. Teh sheet specific information is set up with Fields that point to the SSM. A separate attributed block can be inserted to the paperspace sheet obce the Border is Xreffed, and linked to the proper SSM.

    Other ways to handle this, but that's roughly the approach I have taken.

  3. #13
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Title Block for Company with Different Office locations on the border

    Quote Originally Posted by cadtag View Post
    The sheet specific information is set up with Fields that point to the SSM. A separate attributed block can be inserted to the paperspace sheet once the Border is Xreffed, and linked to the proper SSM.

    Other ways to handle this, but that's roughly the approach I have taken.
    Since you are using SSM, instead of using a dynamic block in the title, you could just use a field that link to a sheetset custom project level property. Set the address once for the whole sheetset. You could then have different sheetset templates for each office.
    C:> ED WORKING....


  4. #14
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Title Block for Company with Different Office locations on the border

    Quote Originally Posted by cadtag View Post
    The way I would approach this, is to have a single border Xref (per sheet size) saved with the project drawing sheets. On that single border Xref, would be a dynamic block with the multiple visibility states for the office location information. That border Xref would also contain an attributed block with Project specific information (project number, name. client, etc.) as well as the Sheet specific information, sheet number, title, etc.).

    The project lead tech or cad manager sets up the border, picks the visibility state, and fills in the project specific attributes. Teh sheet specific information is set up with Fields that point to the SSM. A separate attributed block can be inserted to the paperspace sheet obce the Border is Xreffed, and linked to the proper SSM.

    Other ways to handle this, but that's roughly the approach I have taken.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Jobe View Post
    Since you are using SSM, instead of using a dynamic block in the title, you could just use a field that link to a sheetset custom project level property. Set the address once for the whole sheetset. You could then have different sheetset templates for each office.
    I agree with all of this - and sort of what I was proposing.
    The OP in this thread implied that the only difference in the logo was an "office address" changed per project.
    If that is the case, this ONLY needs to be addressed with a Sheet Set Custom Property to be filled out in the initial project set up.
    But the OP mentioned they didn't want to chance it to a user input / spelling errors.

    The other option would be simply have a dynamic block with Logo address' as visibility states in an XREFFED TB that only needs to be touched once.
    And all the sheet-specific info filled in though the SSM in sheet attributes (we do this ALL the time, and we use XREF TB with the project info filled in and sheet totals etc)

    I think we're all saying the same thing depending on what they really want.

  5. #15
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Title Block for Company with Different Office locations on the border

    Quote Originally Posted by tedg View Post
    The other option would be simply have a dynamic block with Logo address' as visibility states in an XREFFED TB that only needs to be touched once.
    That works well. I didn't go back to the original post. I was just responding to cadtag's suggestion. In your case the xreffed tb only needs to include the address if they want to keep the db separate from the rest of the attributes.
    C:> ED WORKING....


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