Hello all,
This is my first post in AUGI.
The Autocad Electrical API gets quite fuzzy when I get to Section K - XLS and MDB tools
I can make a blank XLS file.
Also I have figured out how to Add records to an existing XLS file with a table called COMP (or any table for that matter) with the appropriate information in the first row.
The problem is the step between creating the XLS file and adding records. I cannot find a way to create a table called COMP (non critical, I can just use Sheet1). Also I cannot find a way to add information to the first row of a table via autolisp (critical information).

; This section of code can create the xls file with Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 as empty tables

(if (not fnam)
		(setq fnam	(getfiled "Export xls" (strcat "C:/Users/" (getvar "loginname") "/Desktop/links/ExportSpreadsheet") "xls" 1))	; xls filename 
(setq hdl (wd_mdb_GetHandle 2))
(wd_dbase_CreateDatabase hdl fnam 2)
(wd_mdb_close hdl)

; Missing section of code below

; this section of code can add records to an XLS file Provided that it has COMP for a sheet, and the Appropriate information in the first row.

(if (not fnam)
		(setq fnam	(getfiled "Export xls" (strcat "C:/Users/" (getvar "loginname") "/Desktop/links/ExportSpreadsheet") "xls" 1))	; xls filename 
(setq hdl (wd_mdb_GetHandle 2)) ; 2 - for xls files
(wd_mdb_Open hdl fnam "Excel 5.0;HDR=YES")
(setq testData (list	(list 	        (list "TAGNAME" 		"Test3")   ; TAGNAME is in Cell A1 
						(list "DESC1" 			"Test3")   ; DESC is in Cell B1
						(list "DESC2" 			"Test3")
						(list "DESC3" 			"Test3")
						(list "MFG"			 	"Test3")
						(list "CAT" 			"Test3")							
						(list "INST" 			"Test3")
						(list "LOC" 			"Test3")
						(list "RATING1" 		        "Test3")
						(list "RATING2"  		"Test3")	
						(list "RATING3" 	        	"Test3")
						(list "PAR1_CHLD2"		"Test3")
						(list "HDL"				"Test3")
						(list "DWGIX"			"Test3")
						(list "RECNUM"			"1"	)
(wd_mdb_AddRecs hdl "COMP$" testData)