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Thread: annotations in meter

  1. #1
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    Default annotations in meter

    I have annotation library (blocks and styles) created in millimeters.
    How can I make them annotations in meter?

  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: annotations in meter

    Quote Originally Posted by ehab.fouad72731810 View Post
    I have annotation library (blocks and styles) created in millimeters.
    How can I make them annotations in meter?
    We may need more information on what you have and how they're created.
    Are you using annotative blocks and styles? Do you have different styles for each scale you use?

    But from what I know about the metric system everything needs to be 1000 times bigger if you're saying 1 unit = 1 meter, where before it was 1 unit = 1 millimeter.

    Typically your blocks would be unit-less and so you're blocks get inserted at the proper scale you choose.
    As far as dimstyles, mleader styles etc, you would name them accordingly and make the text 1000 times bigger than before.

    Also it depends on your drawing properties, templates, and variables such as:

    Hope that helps.

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