last time I had an issue with a viewport not displaying text. this time the whole drawing is missing.
i created a drawing from a template. it has inserted kmz files, shape files, an imported .imx surface and cogo points. worked
on it for several hours yesterday. came in this morning and opened it up, the thumbnail showed just the way i left it yesterday.
when the drawing opened, i could see where i left off. when it finished opening, what was visible in the viewport disappeared.
go into model space and there is nothing there but the bing image background. go into toolspace, my cogo points area there, my
surface is there, but nothing i do will make them visible. i recovered, audited, wblocked, saved as, nothing brings it back.
it will open in Trueview, same thing, nothing is there in model space.

I am at a loss.

the file is too big to upload.