Hi Has any one ever created a bay window that fits in to an AEC wall in AEC model.
Hi Has any one ever created a bay window that fits in to an AEC wall in AEC model.
Hi Ed
sorry for taking so long to reply we are so busy
I am using ACA 2024
I have not been able to find and bay windows only corner windows,
can you let me know where they are?
thanks John
Open the Styles Browser>Type>Architectural Objects>Window and scroll down to the bay window. This is what was referred to in the other thread I linked to.
ACA Bay window.png
Hi Ed
Sorry again for getting back to you it's just crazy at the moment.
I have checked and we don't have the option.
We are running AutoCAD architecture 2024
is it hidden somewhere?bay window.jpg
Thanks a lot
I will play with it later and see if I can remove the roof and sill.
We are based in Australia and the bay windows normally go from 1C at the sill to 28C at the head.
and are under the eaves.
thanks again
Fellow Aussie here. (5 years later).
For a bay window I will use two corner windows, stacked so middle window overlaps.
It does create some display and cleanup issues.
To be clear, I use a corner window style to create the overall frame and then double up each of the 3 windows with an insertion of an individual window.
The corner windows I don't schedule. I just use them to cut the corners on the walls. I turn off glass or make it 0 width. It makes a nice corner column.
Adding additional single windows allows greater flexibility on the style of window, so the two sides might be fixed and the centre, a fixed/slider.
These are what I schedule, like what happens in real life.
I use two corner windows stacked together. The centre one being the overlap.
I use the cnr aec window object only as the cutout turning the glass and sash off.
I then insert normal windows to each plane and they can be each different style etc.
I only tag and schedule the windows, not the cnr object.