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Thread: Simplifying the Interaction between Revit Architecture and Structure

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    Default Simplifying the Interaction between Revit Architecture and Structure

    Hello to all of you.

    I'm utilizing Revit Structure and Architecture on a mid-rise residential project. I'm looking to improve communication and avoid conflicts between the architectural and structural models. Are there any best practices available for preventing conflicts between structural elements and architectural elements?

  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Simplifying the Interaction between Revit Architecture and Structure

    Quote Originally Posted by sarahmerget806252 View Post
    Hello to all of you.

    I'm utilizing Revit Structure and Architecture on a mid-rise residential project. I'm looking to improve communication and avoid conflicts between the architectural and structural models. Are there any best practices available for preventing conflicts between structural elements and architectural elements?
    You haven't mentioned your work flow, are YOU modelling these by yourself or is a team modelling these?
    Are the models work-shared (Central/Local models with work sets)?
    Are you having separate models (usually preferred) or all in one model?

    I work for a mid to large AE firm, and we do this all the time, and we have rules everyone follows for communication and work flow.
    We use separate Revit models for Architectural, Structural and MEP and use Links between them, work-shared on a server.

    Architectural owns the Arch model, and most decisions are made there (programming, clients needs, life safety etc).
    Structural owns the column grids, columns and all structure, foundation, floor decks and slabs etc, following along with Arch's needs for the project, providing feedback if something needs to move/change.
    Architectural "copy-monitors" the column grids from structure.
    For CMU shear walls and elevator shafts, Structural usually owns them but sometimes have Arch model them (at their request) and we just show them.

    With all that said, the communication is pretty straight forward, usually with meetings and emails to the team as needed.

    Everyone knows their place, and when and how to bring issues up as they arise.
    In most cases, if something comes up, an email goes out, "Team, Arch needs to move this wall X-feet north, please let us know if this is an issue"
    And then we all respond and adjust the model accordingly, and sync the models.

    The Arch and Structural designers are usually in constant communication for conflicts, to adjust items real-time in the models through instant messaging.

    Hope that helps to answers your question.

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