Originally Posted by
The issue you're describing seems to be associated with your infrastructure. I've worked with massive models (over 100 MB) and scan files (200 GB RCP's) being XRef'd and experience very little lag, and this covers local files and server (including OneDrive) reference files.
So if the files aren't corrupt and nothing critical is reported during Audit then I'd suggest attempting to copy the server file to local and then test a one-to-one scenario: Open the file, XRef from server, check the time it takes and the performance, Close without Saving. Open the File, XRef from local disk, check the time it takes and the performance, Close without Saving. Compare the two results. If the file behaves the same from both then it's software based and may have something to do with settings or a bad install (unlikely).
I dunno, just spitballing a couple of possible solutions.