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Thread: Drawings are super slow with xref's

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    Quote Originally Posted by heypat812256 View Post
    The issue you're describing seems to be associated with your infrastructure. I've worked with massive models (over 100 MB) and scan files (200 GB RCP's) being XRef'd and experience very little lag, and this covers local files and server (including OneDrive) reference files.
    So if the files aren't corrupt and nothing critical is reported during Audit then I'd suggest attempting to copy the server file to local and then test a one-to-one scenario: Open the file, XRef from server, check the time it takes and the performance, Close without Saving. Open the File, XRef from local disk, check the time it takes and the performance, Close without Saving. Compare the two results. If the file behaves the same from both then it's software based and may have something to do with settings or a bad install (unlikely).

    I dunno, just spitballing a couple of possible solutions.
    I know I've tested these files locally before, but I don't remember if it helped or not so I'll try that again.
    You bring up a good point with the 200 GB RCP files. We recently scanned the interior of a 200,000 s.f. warehouse and that very large recap file came in just fine.
    I was able to move around, draw my linework, save, etc with no loading issues.
    That almost points back to software issues, I would think.
    I don't know. I've been trying to figure this out for years and it makes it all that much more frustrating to know that this is not normal.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    Quote Originally Posted by heypat812256 View Post
    The issue you're describing seems to be associated with your infrastructure. I've worked with massive models (over 100 MB) and scan files (200 GB RCP's) being XRef'd and experience very little lag, and this covers local files and server (including OneDrive) reference files.
    So if the files aren't corrupt and nothing critical is reported during Audit then I'd suggest attempting to copy the server file to local and then test a one-to-one scenario: Open the file, XRef from server, check the time it takes and the performance, Close without Saving. Open the File, XRef from local disk, check the time it takes and the performance, Close without Saving. Compare the two results. If the file behaves the same from both then it's software based and may have something to do with settings or a bad install (unlikely).

    I dunno, just spitballing a couple of possible solutions.
    All of this is Good Advice ^^^^

    Trial and Error - remove things from the equation until the performance issue disappears.
    R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    Have you tried the enabled with copy setting in the Open & Save tab in Options?
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  4. #14
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    Quote Originally Posted by JGA_o1 View Post
    Have you tried the enabled with copy setting in the Open & Save tab in Options?
    I have not, but I will try that.
    What does that do?

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    It downloads a copy of the Xref to a folder on your PC, so the drawing doesn't have to deal with network lag while working.

  6. #16
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    Quote Originally Posted by JGA_o1 View Post
    It downloads a copy of the Xref to a folder on your PC, so the drawing doesn't have to deal with network lag while working.
    Awesome suggestion, I hadn't even considered that because that is that is what I/we do all the time. I forgot there were other options.

  7. #17
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    Quote Originally Posted by JGA_o1 View Post
    It downloads a copy of the Xref to a folder on your PC, so the drawing doesn't have to deal with network lag while working.
    @JGA, It's probably not "network lag" since the file has to be download just the same. But if someone else has demand loading turned on, it could cause a problem. From help;
    Enabled: Turns on demand loading and improves performance. Select the Enabled setting to enhance the loading process when working with clipped xrefs that contain a spatial or layer index. When this option is selected, other users cannot edit the file while it is being referenced.
    @barshnizza, An xref is nothing more than a block with it's definition located in another file. So size is not the issue if you can open it when the content is in the same dwg, because when the xref is loaded, the same amount of ram is used. Most likely it's a network availability issue. Your problem might be that when you try to open the xref, someone else has it open, locking the file. AutoCAD may be waiting for a system timeout. If you use the Enabled with Copy option, you avoid the issue of someone else having a system lock on the file. While you are referencing a copy, others can access the original file too. I have all users set with the option to load copies. XLOADCTL=2. From help for xloadctl
    Additionally, xrefs load faster when you work across a network: the performance enhancement is most pronounced when you open drawings with many xrefs.
    You might also want XEDIT=1
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  8. #18
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    We encourage you to please report the slowdown you are seeing with XRefs. Please refer to this document for an introduction to the Performance Feedback tool:
    - Thanks - AutoCAD Performance Team.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    It could be so many thing, but try these on your xref drawing:
    1. Check all text styles and make sure that every style has a correct font. If there is a yellow exclamation mark next to the font it means you don't have that font on your computer.
    Attachment 109961
    2. Delete all wipeouts. You can do this with or by bursting all blocks and manually delete (QSELECT) all wipeouts.
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  10. #20
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    Default Re: Drawings are super slow with xref's

    Look at your Xref settings. Use demand loading and indexes to increase efficiency.
    XLOADCTL (System Variable)
    Turns xref demand-loading on and off, and controls whether it opens the referenced drawing or a copy.

    Type: Integer
    Saved in: Registry
    Initial value: 2



    Turns off demand-loading; the entire drawing is loaded.


    Turns on demand-loading. Referenced drawings are kept open and locked.


    Turns on demand-loading. Copies of referenced drawings are opened and locked; referenced drawings are not locked

    When XLOADCTL is set to 2, a copy of each referenced drawing file is stored in the folder specified by the XLOADPATH system variable or the temporary files folder (set in the Options dialog box).

    Additionally, xrefs load faster when you work across a network: the performance enhancement is most pronounced when you open drawings with many xrefs.
    At the Command prompt, enter INDEXCTL.
    Enter 1, 2, or 3, depending on how you want to save the drawing.
    INDEXCTL set to 1 creates a layer index. INDEXCTL set to 2 creates a spatial index. INDEXCTL set to 3 creates both layer and spatial indexes. INDEXCTL set to 0 (the default) does not create an index.

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