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Thread: !!! VBA Excel problems with file path consisting spaces when sending command to Autocad

  1. #1
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    Default !!! VBA Excel problems with file path consisting spaces when sending command to Autocad

    I coding VBA excel to send commands Insert blocks to Autocad.
    Filename contains block is C:/Tu Tool/Rebar Detailing/Rebar Detail Block/EUROCODE/Type 21/Type 21-D12.dwg
    However autocad interpret the SPACE in file path as Enter in command line ?
    So have you got any ideas to handle these problems
    Much thanks

  2. #2
    Administrator Opie's Avatar
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    Default Re: !!! VBA Excel problems with file path consisting spaces when sending command to Autocad

    Surround the path with an additional set of quotes.
    If you have a technical question, please find the appropriate forum and ask it there.
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  3. #3
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Default Re: !!! VBA Excel problems with file path consisting spaces when sending command to Autocad

    Quote Originally Posted by Opie View Post
    Surround the path with an additional set of quotes.
    That won't work. You have to add the extra quote with either an escape character or a third set of quotes. See the examples below. Also, you either need to use vbLf or vbCrLf. vbCr just issues a carriage return.

    ThisDrawing.SendCommand "_insert" & vbCrLf &"""C:\\some path with spaces\\filename,dwg"""


    ThisDrawing.SendCommand "_insert" & vbCrLf &""C:\\some path with spaces\\filename,dwg""
    C:> ED WORKING....


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