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Thread: Filter out wall types in Linked Arch Model

  1. #1
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Cool Filter out wall types in Linked Arch Model

    This is more a "general" Revit question, but because I'm working in Structure, I thought I would post this here.

    What is the best way to filter out wall types from a linked Revit model?

    My scenario:
    I've been in the habit of using worksets, but have heard that isn't the best way and not what those are for even though it works.
    My issue is, the Arch owns the CMU walls, and for structure, we want to show them but not the other walls.
    So in the linked model, we have a workset "CMU" that is checked on to be visible and all others are turned off: "Workset 1" and "Shared Levels and Grids".

    The issue with this is, there are other items like "stairs and railings" that are on "Workset 1" that I want to see.
    When that is visible, all other walls show up and I don't want them to. The items I want to see would need to go on another workset.

    So I think it will be better to filter out the other walls instead of using the workset procedure.

    Please share better options, and if you have a way to filter them out, please share the exact procedure you use (what/how you filter walls that are or are not CMU)

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Filter out wall types in Linked Arch Model

    Hi Ted, I found this. I hope it helps.
    C:> ED WORKING....


  3. #3
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Filter out wall types in Linked Arch Model

    Thanks Ed, that was interesting but more involved than I needed, but it did give me ideas.

    This is what I came up with and it works well so far.
    I created a rule based set looking at the "Type Mark" of the walls, if they DON'T contain CMU or FNDN in the name, they are filtered out and turned off.
    I made sure the Arch people tag all CMU walls accordingly "CMU" or "CMU-I" (for interior) as long as they contain "CMU" in the type mark, I'm all set.
    And I needed to tag all the foundation walls with "FNDN", so any other wall will NOT show.

    So now I don't need to have any special "CMU" worksets.
    I suspect I will adapt this as needed when I run into something I didn't foresee.
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  4. #4
    Super Moderator CAtDiva's Avatar
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    Default Re: Filter out wall types in Linked Arch Model

    Quote Originally Posted by tedg View Post
    Thanks Ed, that was interesting but more involved than I needed, but it did give me ideas.

    This is what I came up with and it works well so far.
    I created a rule based set looking at the "Type Mark" of the walls, if they DON'T contain CMU or FNDN in the name, they are filtered out and turned off.
    I made sure the Arch people tag all CMU walls accordingly "CMU" or "CMU-I" (for interior) as long as they contain "CMU" in the type mark, I'm all set.
    And I needed to tag all the foundation walls with "FNDN", so any other wall will NOT show.

    So now I don't need to have any special "CMU" worksets.
    I suspect I will adapt this as needed when I run into something I didn't foresee.
    The key to this is having a conversation with the architectural team to find out what they are using for this property (or whichever parameter you decide to use for your filter). We use Type Marks differently than this example, but would gladly direct the team to our wall schedule so they can set the property without us having to change our system. We have the converse issue with our structural engineers models and their walls that we don't want to show. If I can't find clear unique terms to filter (usually off their wall type naming convention), then we have a conversation about alternatives.

  5. #5
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Filter out wall types in Linked Arch Model

    Quote Originally Posted by CAtDiva View Post
    The key to this is having a conversation with the architectural team to find out what they are using for this property (or whichever parameter you decide to use for your filter). We use Type Marks differently than this example, but would gladly direct the team to our wall schedule so they can set the property without us having to change our system. We have the converse issue with our structural engineers models and their walls that we don't want to show. If I can't find clear unique terms to filter (usually off their wall type naming convention), then we have a conversation about alternatives.
    Yes true! That is exactly what I did first, "Hey arch team, what wall property info can I use that you don't use?" turns out they don't use the "Type Mark" and so we agreed all CMU walls will have that in a the type mark, "CMU~" where it has CMU in the name.
    I'm sure this can be handled many ways, but this works for now.

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    Default Re: Filter out wall types in Linked Arch Model

    We usually try to coordinate with the arch to make all the walls we need to show structurally as 'structural bearing' and all the misc partition walls would just be the standard non-bearing. Then as long as you set your discipline to Structural from Coordination, the walls that are set to structural bearing will be the only ones to show up in the arch model link. Multiple ways as stated above but just another idea.

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