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Thread: Unique way to create Multiple Visibility States in 1 Dynamic Block

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Unique way to create Multiple Visibility States in 1 Dynamic Block

    Through dumb luck and never giving up I stumbled onto a way to have lots of visibility states within a dynamic block. I am hoping I can attach the first block I did this to so it can be downloaded and people can use it to create their own. What I had to do was create multiple types of weld symbols with different extra information. I created the symbol in the exact size and shape that I wanted it to display when placed into a drawing. Then in a dynamic block I created linear parameters for each of the pieces I wanted to control how they displayed. I then assigned the SCALE action to each of those parameters. In the properties I made the value set a LIST and I gave the list 2 values. One was the true length of .25 inches and the other was .00025. With the grip pulled out it was .25 long and at the other value in the list it was now only .0025 inches long. Zoom in and you can see it but when you measure it is only .0025 tall. If you are plotting with a line weight of .007 this is not smaller than half your line with so it won't show when you plot it. Talk about weird idea and dumb luck. Everyone I have shown this too loves it. It is just so simple to do. If you had larger objects that you wanted to do you would just change the list value to an even smaller number when scaled down so it is less than the default width of the line you are printing or associating it with. I made several of these each with different types of welds and placed them on a tool palette. Then I got to thinking, I could put all 5 of these in one block and make each one of them their own grip to pull out and display. Next to each of the grips I placed text that said what weld type it was and this text was placed on a NO PLOT layer so it doesn't hurt anything just don't make it really big. I see that I can make an attachment so I am attaching the block. Use it if you need weld symbols or learn from it to create your own. I usually place my dynamic blocks in another dwg file and add EXP to the end of the name to mean EXPLODE. When inserted from a tool palette it is exploded and then you can manipulate it. I do this so if I want to check or edit it doesn't open in block edit mode, just my preference. If you download it just select it and look at all the grips. Pull in the direction they point until you see what the symbol looks like. My apologies for the long description but this is different and I thought a decent description would help.
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    Default Re: Unique way to create Multiple Visibility States in 1 Dynamic Block

    The same can be done with lookup tables. I made a weld block with over 20 different visibilities for the welds we mostly use with 3 lookup tables. One table picks the type of weld(s) needed. Another one picks if the weld symbol is on top, bottom or both. If the weld type that is selected are different (fillet on bottom, flare bevel on top) that lookup table is not visible. The final lookup table lets you select if there is a weld note or if it is all around. Your block works well & it is interesting to see how people go different routes to get to where they want to be.

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    Default Re: Unique way to create Multiple Visibility States in 1 Dynamic Block

    I'm excited to see this setup. Although I'm new to lookup tables, I'm working on mastering them. However, I find it quite challenging to work with multiple tables in a single block.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Unique way to create Multiple Visibility States in 1 Dynamic Block

    Quote Originally Posted by robp View Post
    The same can be done with lookup tables. I made a weld block with over 20 different visibilities for the welds we mostly use with 3 lookup tables. One table picks the type of weld(s) needed. Another one picks if the weld symbol is on top, bottom or both. If the weld type that is selected are different (fillet on bottom, flare bevel on top) that lookup table is not visible. The final lookup table lets you select if there is a weld note or if it is all around. Your block works well & it is interesting to see how people go different routes to get to where they want to be.
    by KaDe King walking you through the steps to do what @robp is talking about.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Not sure why the link did not work but here it is :

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    Default Re: Unique way to create Multiple Visibility States in 1 Dynamic Block

    The link did not post due to your post count. Here is the link you posted.
    If you have a technical question, please find the appropriate forum and ask it there.
    You will get a quicker response from your fellow AUGI members than if you sent it to me via a PM or email.

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    Default Re: Unique way to create Multiple Visibility States in 1 Dynamic Block

    Not sure why someone is having a problem. There are actually no lookup tables or viz states the way I do this. I draw what I want to see full size. Then I put in a scale parameter and set it to the entities I just drew. Now I change the next size to something really tiny. So tiny when it is at this size it is less than the width of a line being printed. Now I have to choices when I pick the grip. I pull it out and the part shows fill size. I pick and move to the smaller size and it disappears because it is smaller than the line it is part of. Since I posted this I went back and created another block with 5 different types of weld symbols. There is one on top and one on bottom of dividing line. I made the editing grips down alongside this line so each is visible. I put a text label for each on a no plot layer. With the other parts that you can pull out to display this would have about 50 vis states but there are no. You simply grip and pull out what you want to display. If the attached block in the original post doesn't display please let me know. You have to ZOOM in a bunch to see it in the small state. The 1/4" symbol when display when scaled down is only .0025 tall which is less than half a line width when plotted. Once you get it it is so simple. Might now work for everything but I would think most things.

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