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Thread: Option to retain subtracted object

  1. #1
    Wish List Administration
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    Default Re: Option to retain subtracted object

    Summary: Offer option to keep subtracted solid object in drawing rather than erase it.

    Description: I would like to see an option to keep the solid object being subtracted (the subtrahend) in the drawing. Currently, if I want to keep the object being subtracted, I have to make a copy of it on top of itself, then subtract it from another object. Otherwise, the subtracted object is lost from the drawing. I use this technique very often while solid modeling, and it would be a time saver to have this feature. A prompt might appear in the command line saying "Erase subtract object group (Y/N)?"

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - Drawing Tools 3D

    Submitted By: bcsnyder49 on 12/25/2024

  2. #2
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Turlock, CA

    Default Re: Option to retain subtracted object

    What you are asking perhaps isn't clear (maybe post a screenshot), because it doesn't make sense to me to perform a subtraction and still keep the whole original. Perhaps you should be doing a union? If you need to keep it just to be able to modify part of it later, then make sure that to SOLIDHIST variable is set to 1.
    C:> ED WORKING....


  3. #3
    Super Moderator CAtDiva's Avatar
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    Default Re: Option to retain subtracted object

    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Jobe View Post
    What you are asking perhaps isn't clear (maybe post a screenshot), because it doesn't make sense to me to perform a subtraction and still keep the whole original. Perhaps you should be doing a union? If you need to keep it just to be able to modify part of it later, then make sure that to SOLIDHIST variable is set to 1.
    While I don't do much with 3D in ACAD, I have used the AecLineworkMerge & AecLineworkSubtract on polylines, hatches, spaces, & other ACAD elements. They include a question similar to the OP request & I find it very helpful because sometimes you have a shape (2D or 3D doesn't matter) that overlaps another shape and you want to keep the overlapping shape while taking its area/volume out of the other:
    AEC LW Subtract.jpg

  4. #4
    AUGI Addict madcadder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Option to retain subtracted object

    Quote Originally Posted by Wish List System View Post
    Summary: Offer option to keep subtracted solid object in drawing rather than erase it.

    Description: I would like to see an option to keep the solid object being subtracted (the subtrahend) in the drawing. Currently, if I want to keep the object being subtracted, I have to make a copy of it on top of itself, then subtract it from another object. Otherwise, the subtracted object is lost from the drawing. I use this technique very often while solid modeling, and it would be a time saver to have this feature. A prompt might appear in the command line saying "Erase subtract object group (Y/N)?"

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - Drawing Tools 3D

    Submitted By: bcsnyder49 on 12/25/2024
    I get it... Normally, I'll just copy it 48 or 120 or whatever before subtracting, so that I can move a copy back when done.
    I shouldn't have to, but it works.

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