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  1. #1
    100 Club MMccall.83699's Avatar
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    Default Partbuilder

    While using the partbuilder to modify/create custom pipes and structures I ran into a bit of a problem. I created new chapters in the US ImperialStructures Catalog to store my custom structures. When I did this I got multiple listings of the same structure(s) within the new chapter. Do not deletes these duplicates!!!!! Deleting any one of them deletes your new structure!!!

    You can however fix it ......

    If you've reached this point you realize you're dealing with an undocumented command and like living on the edge. Edit the "US Imperial Structures.apc" and remove the redundant information for your new structure. The repeated information is sequential and pretty easy to spot. Apparently this file doesn't get updated correctly.

    Use partbuilder with extreme caution.

  2. #2
    100 Club MMccall.83699's Avatar
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    Default Re: Partbuilder

    Don't bother thying to fix the multiple listings in the catalog. Each time I edit the part places a new entry.

    I'll try creating a new catalog over the weekend and see if it has the same trouble.

  3. #3
    Active Member eckdahlrd's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Partbuilder

    I too would like to be able to edit this catalog. I want to use the pipes for more than just sewer lines. I want pipes with (dare I say it) fittings such as elbows, wyes, and tees. I think I might be able to make it work provided I could figure out how to edit the catalog. Can anyone point me in the direction where I can learn how to do it?

  4. #4
    Active Member eckdahlrd's Avatar
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    Angry Re: Partbuilder

    Okay, so I found out the command partbuilder is how I go about doing it, but I don't know how to use it. Since Autodesk thought it would be best for us to learn this without help, can anyone else help me?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Partbuilder

    Based on a few threads in the Autodesk discussion group, I would advise leaving the command alone. It is undocumented because they would prefer no-one using it yet due to its instability. Apparently there was even some debate whether to leave the command activated with this release. For now I would stay with the included parts and any modifications you can make to them. MMCall has had some success modifying the parts that he has shared in some threads in this forum.

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