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Thread: AutoCAD 2004 - automatically update .XTP files on my users systems

  1. #1
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    Default AutoCAD 2004 - automatically update .XTP files on my users systems

    I've been reading through threads on tool palettes and have not come up with a solution to my question yet.
    I have our blocks all set up in network directories that will not change, and have created the tool palettes on my system (ADT 2004) and exported the palettes as .XTP files. These are also stored on our server.
    I use the xtp method, as I have each block allocated to a specific layer, linetype, etc, and some are even required to explode one time when they are inserted.

    My question is: How can I (or can I) automatically update these .xtp files on my users systems (Acad 2004) whenever a change or addition is made to the palettes, without requiring the user to update.

    There must be an XML or VL lisp method to accomplish this, though I'd be lucky to find it myself.


  2. #2
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Question Re: AutoCAD 2004 - automatically update .XTP files on my users systems

    Quote Originally Posted by murrayjl211
    My question is: How can I (or can I) automatically update these .xtp files on my users systems (Acad 2004) whenever a change or addition is made to the palettes, without requiring the user to update.

    Can you not just place the Tool Palettes on the Network and point all users to this one central location?

    Have a good one, Mike

  3. #3
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2004 - automatically update .XTP files on my users systems

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike.Perry

    Can you not just place the Tool Palettes on the Network and point all users to this one central location?
    I don't know that this will work in the way I need it to. Are you saying that I should re-direct each users computer to look into the palettes folder on the network?

    Prior to setting up the .xtp files for each to load, their pc's were directed to the blocks directories, they would update as you say, but all drag and drop from the palette's would place the block on whatever layer was current. I could not find a way to set all of the parameters for each block, using that method. I researched a little further and found that exporting a preset palette was the ideal method.

    Am I missing an easier way, that you may be familar with?



  4. #4
    I could stop if I wanted to pnorman's Avatar
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2004 - automatically update .XTP files on my users systems

    Can't you put the tool palettes in a catalog and then load them on each computer from the catalog and set the tool palettes to "auto-refresh". You would only need to do this once on each comp then they would always be up to date??!!

  5. #5
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2004 - automatically update .XTP files on my users systems


    Have a browse of the following thread (especially take note of the AUGI HotNews links within) -

    Can Tool Palette "Groups" be shared?


    Try the forum search facility -

    Key Word(s): *Palette* + *ATC*

    Should give you plenty of interesting and relevant reading material.

    Have a good one, Mike

  6. #6
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2004 - automatically update .XTP files on my users systems


    Plus this might be of some help / interest...

    AutoCAD: Custom Palettes by Avatach <- Link directly opens animated movie file.

    Have a good one, Mike

  7. #7
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    Default Re: AutoCAD 2004 - automatically update .XTP files on my users systems

    I tried all of those suggestions and directions, but they still fail to update the palettes on the individual computers with the properties of the master palette. That method is just like referencing a .pat file from a network server, for hatches.

    I have over 300 blocks currently in use at varying times, with items being added/ obsoleted in this library somewhat frequently. All of the blocks are designed to be inserted on their correct layers, for macros to work, and some blocks must be exploded one level for their attributes to be correctly exported.
    I've been using a single tool palette from my system, creating all of the properties for each block and exporting that group of blocks as an .xtp file. All of the preset properties accompany the palette in this manner, these properties are not created in the methods listed above, as it seems autocad is only referencing the directory structure of the tools.

    Also, when I recommended upgrading to 2004, I did not elect to purchase the subscription program, so I do not have the tool palette extensions, that may have something to do with my lack of ability to save the properties in the methods outlined above. Though I do not see how....

    It seems to that the .xtp is the only method which allows all preset variables to be exported and imported to the palette menu. If that is so, I would like to find out how to automate the task, without much user intervention.


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