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Thread: Save in AutoCAD 2005 (2004 format), won't open in AutoCAD 2004

  1. #1
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    Default Save in AutoCAD 2005 (2004 format), won't open in AutoCAD 2004

    Howdy all,

    This may be an easy one for you...I save my drawing as a 2004 Autocad fornat from my 2005 and it wont open in 2004.

    Any thought? thx

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time bbapties's Avatar
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    Default Re: Save in AutoCAD 2005 (2004 format), won't open in AutoCAD 2004

    What is the error that you are getting when trying to open?

  3. #3
    Certified AUGI Addict jaberwok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Save in AutoCAD 2005 (2004 format), won't open in AutoCAD 2004

    Quote Originally Posted by garryh
    Howdy all,

    This may be an easy one for you...I save my drawing as a 2004 Autocad fornat from my 2005 and it wont open in 2004.

    Any thought? thx
    Are you using one the vertical applications?
    A2004, 2005 and 2006 all use the same file format so that should not be the issue.

  4. #4
    Certifiable AUGI Addict robert.1.hall72202's Avatar
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    Default Re: Save in AutoCAD 2005 (2004 format), won't open in AutoCAD 2004

    I have noticed instances where AutoCad isn't actually saving in the lower format even though you ask for a certain file version. I think it is a bug with AutoCad.

  5. #5
    Mod / Salary / SM Wanderer's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Save in AutoCAD 2005 (2004 format), won't open in AutoCAD 2004

    Quote Originally Posted by rhall.72202
    I have noticed instances where AutoCad isn't actually saving in the lower format even though you ask for a certain file version. I think it is a bug with AutoCad.
    in some cases you'll have a file with an x-ref, and the file is saved down, but, the x-ref isn't?
    others, you might do a ref-edit, or a saveas with sheet sets, and they'll save to the current version rather than what you have specified as your 'save as' version...

    but, as someone already mentioned... 2004,05,06 all have same file format...
    Melanie Stone

    Archibus, FMS/FMInteract and AutoCAD Expert (I use BricsCAD, Revit, Tandem, and Planon, too)
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