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Thread: Tables stuff

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  1. #1
    Active Member rgorman's Avatar
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    Default Tables stuff

    How about the ability to create different table styles AND remember the Column Heads and Titles Information? Yes, I can create them, copy and paste to a separate dwg and then bring them into any other dwg, but that's a bit silly. OR I can wblock them with the info, then insert and explode them. You can create many different styles, so why not remember that info? It's hard enough getting my guys to USE tables much less have them remember to fill in the information everytime they do it.

  2. #2
    Wish List Manager BrenBren's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tables stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by rgorman
    How about the ability to create different table styles AND remember the Column Heads and Titles Information? Yes, I can create them, copy and paste to a separate dwg and then bring them into any other dwg, but that's a bit silly. OR I can wblock them with the info, then insert and explode them. You can create many different styles, so why not remember that info? It's hard enough getting my guys to USE tables much less have them remember to fill in the information everytime they do it.
    Are you aware that you can import table style through the design center?

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