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Thread: Geometry cutting in sink family won't work...

  1. #1
    Active Member gnl's Avatar
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    I am doing something stupid, I must be... I can't get my void (see it in the pic?) to cut my solids...

    Anyone have an idea?
    I'll post the rfa if you need it.

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  2. #2
    Early Adopter sbrown's Avatar
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    Default Re: Geometry cutting in sink family won't work...

    I'm not sure what you are trying to cut, If you need your family to cut out a hole in a counter top, it won't. You need to create the opening in the countertop or make a nested family that includes the sink and counter top.
    Scott D. Brown, AIA
    Senior Project Manager | Associate


  3. #3
    Active Member gnl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Geometry cutting in sink family won't work...

    I want to use the void to shape the profile of my sink. The void is a sweep and the profile used is the one attached in this image...
    I'm getting an error message: Can't keep elements joined.
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  4. #4
    Revit Forum Manager Steve_Stafford's Avatar
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    Default Re: Geometry cutting in sink family won't work...

    I think you just need to use CUT GEOMETRY now?

  5. #5
    Active Member gnl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Geometry cutting in sink family won't work...

    I tried it, and that's when I get the msg.

    Now hear this: If I make the void as a void, in order to cut any geometry automatically, it will not allow me to create the sweep (probably because of the complex shape of the sweep that has many small segments - it happened other times to me). I have to create it as a solid and then change its property to void. And, of course, that's when I have to Cut Geometry.

    Another strange behaviour I haven't noticed before, is that if you try and Join Geometry between 2 adjacent surfaces it will not join the elements. You get an option to erase one. Does anybody know why this happens? In theory, 2 adjacent surfaces should be able to join among each other, at least in geometry it's possible.

  6. #6
    Revit Forum Manager Steve_Stafford's Avatar
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    Default Re: Geometry cutting in sink family won't work...

    What if you cut the sink/counter object so it has a square edge but short of the full distance you really want. Then add a solid sweep that "finishes" the edge instead. Join geometry ought to work in that "direction" perhaps? Nice sink by the way...

    You might also try using half the void at a time, top then bottom...that way it might be less sensitive to the turns it takes?

    Fun guessing anyway...

  7. #7
    Active Member gnl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Geometry cutting in sink family won't work...

    What if you cut the sink/counter object so it has a square edge but short of the full distance you really want. Then add a solid sweep that "finishes" the edge instead.
    that's what I did and it works that way, but I have to change all the other geometry to make it work in that direction... I just wish it would work with the void... it would be so much easier

    Now I'm working on making the bowl an actual sink...

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