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Thread: Convert MDT Title Block to Inventor 10 Title Block

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    Red face Convert MDT Title Block to Inventor 10 Title Block

    I have to transfer Inventor 10 drawings from a standard inventor title block to a title block provided by the customer and constructed in Mechanical Desk Top.

    Are there any suggestions on how to go about importing or converting the MDT title Block to Inventor 10?

  2. #2
    Manufacturing Moderator jonathan.landeros's Avatar
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    Default Re: Convert MDT Title Block to Inventor 10 Title Block

    Quote Originally Posted by julesgordon
    I have to transfer Inventor 10 drawings from a standard inventor title block to a title block provided by the customer and constructed in Mechanical Desk Top.

    Are there any suggestions on how to go about importing or converting the MDT title Block to Inventor 10?
    Just to be safe (I'm always paranoid with my live data). I'd start in a separate *.idw, and transfer the blocks over using the Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard (start>Program Files>Autodesk>Inventor 10>Tools)

    Here's how I'd actually move my data.
    I'd use Audit and Purge to get any extra junk out of it first, then open the dwg in Inventor. The wizard should start up and you can tell it to send your drawing to New Border or New Title Block, and bring it on in.

    I'd do any final clean up in Inventor, and once I was happy with it, I'd transfer it with the Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard.

    I have run into cases where the ACAD/MDT border is in bad shape (poor drafting practices, typically), and you end up with a bigger mess after Inventor brings everything in. There is a point where you might be better off just creating a new version in Inventor.

    Still, it's always worth trying the translation first, it can be a real time saver.

    I hope this helps.
    Jonathan Landeros
    KETIV Technologies
    Orange County, California.

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