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Thread: Land Development project requirements

  1. #1
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    Default Land Development project requirements

    Okay, I have a question.... I am trying to create a list of drafting requirements. This list contains all of the information that we would like to have at the begining of a project. I have a difficult time getting the majority of the information from my EIT's or designers. So between myself and the Cad Manager we have decided to write of a list of drafting requirements and the job doesn't come into the drafting department untill the required information is together.
    Are there certian things that you either send or require at the begininng of a project?
    (I mainly work on subdivision design)

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Land Development project requirements

    I also work in subdivisions. Make sure you get all the survey data from the engineers, like as-built of existing manholes, curb inlets, existing water main locations, all with pipe sizes. If you our allowed to get the survey contact and call them your self. It is very hard to start any engineering without this data. Good Luck.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Land Development project requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by mlynn
    I also work in subdivisions. Make sure you get all the survey data from the engineers, like as-built of existing manholes, curb inlets, existing water main locations, all with pipe sizes. If you our allowed to get the survey contact and call them your self. It is very hard to start any engineering without this data. Good Luck.
    Lucky for us we have our own in house survey crew. They stay very busy. It is the drafting department to actually take the autoline work from survey and make a pretty pictrue so to speek. That information we usually always have at our finger tips along with an image of the field books.

    My main problem is getting all of the design information from the designer or EIT at the begining, and getting the deisgner to actually pay attention to what he is doing.

    Thanks for your imput.

  4. #4
    I could stop if I wanted to LanceMcHatton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Land Development project requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by eleonard
    My main problem is getting all of the design information from the designer or EIT at the begining, and getting the deisgner to actually pay attention to what he is doing.
    Is that even possible? Projects are works in progress. Normally, there's a first "draft" of a project and then someone draws it up. The designer looks at it again to see what he designed will actually work. Designing is more like making predictions and proving/disproving them.

    I would really like to see the designer that has everything ready to go as soon as the drafters start drawing. He probably glows and walks on water.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Land Development project requirements

    Quote Originally Posted by LMcHatton
    I would really like to see the designer that has everything ready to go as soon as the drafters start drawing. He probably glows and walks on water.
    I have an EIT that is really close to that. At the begining of the year the two of us worked OT on about 3 projects. All three of them I had pratically everything I needed with the excption of stromdrain information. Those 3 projects had total of 50 hours of drafting. and the average number of sheets per Subdivision was about 20.
    The designer I work with just can't seem to stay consistant and get even half of the correct information to me at the begining.

  6. #6
    100 Club Aquaserpent's Avatar
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    Default Re: Land Development project requirements

    DRAFTERS! My God what a luxury! We haven't had a drafter in this organization for years. Some of use still have Engineering Technicians (designers), the rest of us have to do it all ourselves. Be glad you have someone to do the labeling, and finishing work for you.

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