I'm new to this forum and have only been using Revit for about 7 months so I have alot to learn still. My problem is that our company just upgraded to 6.0 from 5.1. I started using 6.0 today and have noticed something odd with the decals. When I first place the decals on the windows for my window backgrounds, it's ok. The problem is when I unlock the proportions and stretch the blue nodes on the corners. In revit 5.1, you just grab the corner of the decal and stretch it in the direction you're going. With 6.0, when I stretch the decal for example, to the right, it goes to the left instead. I eventually get the decal to where I want to go, but it's annoying. Is this a glitch that might have occured when 6.0 converted the 5.1 project file? It doesn't happen when I apply a decal to a plain front door.
My other problem is that I am working on a project that has four townhome units put together in a one point streetscene. Before I put the four together in a master file, I created each of the townhomes in seperate projects since the cad files were separate. After, I created each Townhome, I applied the decals and texture maps to each townhome. I brought all four into the master file as RVT links. They were placed side by side. When I went to render the who scene, the texture maps applied fine on the townhomes, but the decals didn't show up. Only one decal showed up partially on a garage door. The decals showed up fine when I rendered the townhomes individually. It was after they were put side by side, that the decals didn't render correctly.
If someone out there knows what's happening, please let me know. I am stumped.
P.S. Sorry for the long post