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Thread: Find string in drawing and replace with VBA

  1. #1
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    Default Find string in drawing and replace with VBA

    I'm trying to create something that will find a particular text object based on its string, and replace it with a variable value.

    For example...

    I've got a table (on PaperSpace) of calculations for area square footages. It would look something like this:
    Total coverage........SQcov

    The "SQxxx" are all basic text objects. I already have a working function that uses the geometry in the drawing (ModelSpace) to automatically calculate the appropriate values, and now I want to simply replace the text string "SQxxx" with the value of the variable containing the appropriate calculated area.

    I also have several different PaperSpace layouts, but I know exactly which one each string is on, so I can easily specify that if necessary. I'm not even sure if that matters..

    Anybody know how I can do this? I'm fairly new to VBA still.


  2. #2
    The Silent Type RobertB's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find string in drawing and replace with VBA

    You failed to mention what version of AutoCAD... fields in 2005 or later will does this already.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Find string in drawing and replace with VBA

    Sorry, I'm using ADT 2004.

  4. #4
    The Silent Type RobertB's Avatar
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    Default Re: Find string in drawing and replace with VBA

    The brute-force approach would be to get the layout, then loop thru the objects until you find the needed string.

    You can get the Layout object:
    Set myLayout = ThisDrawing.Layouts.Item("Layout1")

    Once you have that, iterate thru the Layout.Block until you get to the text object.

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