Adt2006 SP1.
The "vlr-commandwillstart" and "vlr-commandCancelled" both work. The "vlr-commandEnded" doesn't seem to work for me.
I'm just trying to catch the SSM callout placement in order to place them on a particular layer.
Adt2006 SP1.
The "vlr-commandwillstart" and "vlr-commandCancelled" both work. The "vlr-commandEnded" doesn't seem to work for me.
I'm just trying to catch the SSM callout placement in order to place them on a particular layer.
Hi Craig
Please note I have *moved* this thread from the AutoCAD Customization forum to this one, as I believe it will be better served here.
Thanks, Mike
Forum Moderator
What I have done in the past, to be able to set some insert's into the right layer using the internal callout command from the SSM... is to:Originally Posted by cvaughn
1. Have a ACDB reactor using the objectappended, and monitor the INSERT's... pass the ename(s) into a list.
2. Have the EDITOR reactor or in your case the commandEnded event and filter the command call i.e:
(defun editor (reactor params)
(if (and (wcmatch (car params) "CALLOUT")
possible_insert) (progn
. . . your code goes here
In the case you have a list of enames, it will be good idea to use something like this:
(setq possible_insert_enames
(vl-remove-if-not 'entget possible_insert_enames))
To make sure they are OK.
Thanks, Luis. I'll try to delve further into the other reactor callbacks.
I've got limited experience with reactors; I've heard bad things about loading/unloading incorrectly, or maybe it was multiple reactors stepping on each others toes. In any event, I've got some research to do.
Next thing I'd like to do: scale all incoming "CALLOUT" blocks by the dimscale. I notice the "CALLOUT" command has some options for setting the displayed scale and displayed rotation. Has anybody ever successfully prefilled these with something other than the default of 1 (preferably the DIMSCALE)?