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Thread: 64bit /dual core support

  1. #1
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    Default 64bit /dual core support

    Has there been any discussion on Autodesk supporting 64 bit and/or dual core processors? I am aware that Inventor 11 does support running on a 64 bit machine, but it actually runs as a 32 bit application. I am also aware that MD 07 will not support 64 bit at all. Neither of these softwares supports dual core processors. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? My feelings are that Autodesk must move forward with the rest of the industry. The standard for hardware within the next year or so is definitely going to be leaning toward these two technologies. My company works in assemblies of >10000 parts, and would find either or both of these items helpful. Apologies if i have posted this in the wrong area.
    Feedback is appreciated.

  2. #2
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: 64bit /dual core support


    For starters, the following comes via Shaan Hurley's blog...

    64 bit Computers & AutoCAD

    More on 64-bit Processors and AutoCAD

    The Great 64-bit CAD Precision Misconception

    Have a good one, Mike

  3. #3
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    Default Re: 64bit /dual core support

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike.Perry

    For starters, the following comes via Shaan Hurley's blog...

    64 bit Computers & AutoCAD

    More on 64-bit Processors and AutoCAD

    The Great 64-bit CAD Precision Misconception

    Have a good one, Mike
    Do you know of any talk of dual processor/dual core utilization?
    One of the only places I have seen the dual processors help is in Inventor Studio when rendering (I am sure this is directly taken from 3ds). I did ask my rep when they were in the last time (about 2 wks ago), but they had no good answer for me.
    Thanks for the feedback,
    Brandon (Skeinerbk)

  4. #4
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: 64bit /dual core support


    ID: TS2030 - Multithreading or multiprocessor capabilities

    Have a good one, Mike

  5. #5
    AUGI Addict hand471037's Avatar
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    Default Re: 64bit /dual core support

    Quote Originally Posted by skeinerbk
    My company works in assemblies of >10000 parts, and would find either or both of these items helpful.
    We've been talking about it on the Revit side of things for the same reasons you outline here. Namely that it stinks that we can't use the latest and greatest hardware to make our chosen software run better, simpy because the software isn't made for it yet. But we're stuck because we've got huge models where that additional ram could really, really, REALLY help out.

    Autodesk, however, doesn't look to be solving these issues very quickly, and heck, neither is Windows itself. So it looks like at least a few more years probably before the Autodesk tools are really fully utilizing the expensive and powerful hardware available to them, while the Linux and Mac folks get to play with it all today.

    I mean, my new job is soon to get me a new dual-core laptop. Revit can't use both cores unless it's rendering. It's still booting BIOS because of Windows so it's stuck to a 2-gig memory limit. Meanwhile, I can buy right now a Mac or AMD box, use OS X or Linux, and have multiple cores and gigs of ram to use with open-source tools like Blender, and commercial software like Maya.

    Pardon me while I go off and cry somewhere...

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