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Thread: Blocks, Images or Xrefs not inserting correctly?

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    Default Blocks, Images or Xrefs not inserting correctly?

    The following compilation of tips comes from programming forum moderator, Opie. Thank you!

    Blocks, Images or Xrefs not inserting correctly?

    Have you inserted Blocks, Images or Xrefs only to find they scale automatically to a different scale from what you specified?

    AutoCAD makes use of the following system variables when inserting any of the three above mentioned Objects...

    INSUNITS - Specifies a drawing-units value for automatic scaling of blocks, images, or xrefs inserted or attached to a drawing.
    INSUNITSDEFSOURCE - Sets source content units value when INSUNITS is set to 0. Valid range is 0 to 20.
    INSUNITSDEFTARGET - Sets target drawing units value when INSUNITS is set to 0. Valid range is 0 to 20.

    These system variables allow AutoCAD to automatically scale Blocks, Images or Xrefs, thus reducing your need to scale them to your current working scale.

    The following are some links that shed some more light on the subject.

    AutoCAD Knowledge Base:

    ID: TS1050553 - Automatic scaling of blocks

    ID: TS20081 - Using the Insert Units option for blocks inserted from AutoCAD DesignCenter

    ID: TS30666 - Set drawing units for inserted blocks and images

    ID: TS1050419 - New or changed system variables in AutoCAD 2006

    ID: TS1056208 - INSUNITS change after reopening drawing

    AUGI Forums:

    Scale changes when block is inserted

    Inserting Xrefs Scaling Problems

    Set INSUNITS to Metric when opening a drawing

    Setting insertion units at open

    Blocks scaling when inserted from Tool Palette

    unit-scaling inserted database?

    Inserts scaled wrong

    Unit problems when XREFing drawings that have block units set different

    Symbol Scale Inserting Issue

    Loading Xrefs come in at different locations

    Unit Conversion; Block Scaling when Inserting or X-refing

    Macro - Scale problem between AutoCAD 2005 to 2006

    When Blocks are Inserted they come in too small

    Xref reloading problems

    Blocks come in at different Scales in different drawing files.

    2004 & 2006 Xref's come in at different locations ?

    Blocked Inserted is Wrong Scale

    Inserted Blocks in 2007 come in at different scales

    Blocks insert larger in one drawing file than another

    Block being inserted at wrong scale

    Insert units won't change

    AutoCAD 2007 Drawing Units with regarding Blocks and Insert command

    Best practises for Templates, Design Center and Tool Palettes

    Symbols coming in at wrong scale

    Paste As Block creates a Block 32x bigger

    Blocks inserting at different scales?

    Insert a Layout via Designcenter, the Border / Titleblock scales up by 25.4
    Last edited by Mike.Perry; 2007-05-11 at 03:37 AM. Reason: Additional information added.

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