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Thread: Titleblock - issue date and type of issue placed in issue column

  1. #1
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    Cool Titleblock - issue date and type of issue placed in issue column

    Currently when an Architectural drawing is issued the date and type of issue is noted in an issue column.This can be by placing text on the titleblock xref or by using a block with attributes on each individual sheet. Both have their drawbacks. If the information is placed on the xref titlesheet, it appears on sheets that may not be part of that issue.
    If added to each sheet as a block with attributes, it is very time consuming. Some projects are 100 sheets.

    Does anyone have a better method?

  2. #2
    Administrator Opie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Titleblock - issue date and type of issue placed in issue column

    Please note I have *moved* this thread from the Forum Feedback Forum to this one as I feel this particular Forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.


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  3. #3
    100 Club a_meteni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Titleblock - issue date and type of issue placed in issue column

    I use Sheet Set Manager to modify Title block data with Sheet set Feilds
    it's a very powerful tool to manage your entire project.
    you can customize your fields to be applied to all title blocks (like project name)
    or to vary from sheet to sheet as required.

  4. #4
    Member ahensley's Avatar
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    Default Re: Titleblock - issue date and type of issue placed in issue column

    Quote Originally Posted by jdrexler
    Currently when an Architectural drawing is issued the date and type of issue is noted in an issue column.This can be by placing text on the titleblock xref or by using a block with attributes on each individual sheet. Both have their drawbacks. If the information is placed on the xref titlesheet, it appears on sheets that may not be part of that issue.
    If added to each sheet as a block with attributes, it is very time consuming. Some projects are 100 sheets.

    Does anyone have a better method?
    At this time we use borders that are blocks with attributes. We have a batch date routine that brings up a dialog box in which we can enter the action - "ISS" or a revision number for example - the date and the description - "For Approval" etc. We then select the drawings to be modified by browsing for the files and adding them to the list.

    The routine looks for the next open "Date" attribute and places the information at that line. It works pretty well. But the goal is to switch to using sheets sets eventually.....

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Titleblock - issue date and type of issue placed in issue column

    I have generally put the issue type and date in the title block that is xrefed into all sheets if it is a major submission. For example it is 50% CD's, 100% CD's.

    When it is a revisions, CCD's, response to an RFI or Addenda only the sheet(s) or sketches issued gets a revision date and title in the revision column of that sheet - NOT in the issue title and date. The original issue date and type stay the same on the xrefed titleblock. The reason is because the final 100% CD's issue is what the contract is based on and any change thereafter could result in an add cost, no cost or a subtaract cost also a revision may be issued to get pricing and the owner may not decided to follow through with that item.

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