New to the Forums? This is the place to experiment with the posting editor and learn how to interact with our forums. Please experiment here with forum features and commands. For product specific questions, please post your questions in the forum for the appropriate software & remember to state your software you are using along with the version you are on.
Please remember this forum is not for asking technical, how to's or other related questions to CAD / Design / Computer, etc problems.
Here are some links to help you get started:
- AUGI Forum Guidelines
- Provides guidelines on forum usage
- Forum Tips & Tricks (Read only)
- Threads found in this forum provide tips and tricks we have found useful while working with the forums. Please note, this forum is read-only forum.
- Most Frequently Asked Questions
- This is a list of our most frequently asked questions.
- Forum Settings and Profile Features
- Provides information on forum settings and profile features.
- General Forum Usage
- Provides information on general forum usage.
- Reading and Posting Messages
- Provides information on reading and posting messages within the forums.
Simply dive in, pick the most relevant Sub-Forum and start posting.