I am looking to redo or update some of our blocks and have a couple of questions. I have searched and even downloaded several examples of blocks with different visibility values but am still puzzled. Is there any way to see what the block looked like before making it dynamic? The part I am not understanding is the linework (when it is totally different with different visibility states) all drawn on top of each other until it is defined? The block I am working on is a Road Construction sign that reads "ROAD WORK ______" , with the blank being filled in with "AHEAD, 1 MILE, 1/2 MILE, 1000 FT, etc. Should this be an attribute or text that is only visible is each state? I would like to be able to insert the block and have a drop down or lookup table with these options to choose from. To the left of the sign I have 2 lines of text, the top has the MUTCD Number of the sign (in this case it is a W20-3) and on the bottom line we put the size "(48"x48")" but would like to include another "list" that has all of the possible sizes for a particular sign. The signs are schematic so the actual size of the geometry does not need to change. I am not seeing how to link a lookup list to an attribute. Any help will be greatly appreciated.