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Thread: Multiple ACAD/Autodesk Product Installs

  1. #1
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    Default Multiple ACAD/Autodesk Product Installs

    Does anyone know if there is a list, a chart, or matrix that shows what versions of AutoCAD, Inventor, etc. can run concurrently on one machine, and preferred order of installation and Serive Packs? I am teaching AutoCAD and the teaching machine they have assigned me has everything from ACAD 2004 to ACAD 2007, various versions of MDT, Mechinical, Revit, Max, all installed (and uninstalled, and re-installed) and they all seem to be broken - commands that don't work, diaologue boxes from one version popping up in other versions, "unknown command" errors, Express tools not working in all versions, damaged menus, material libraries that dissapear or cannot find sub-maps and images, etc., etc. I have looked in the Autodesk Knowledge Base but apparently cannot formulate my query properly to get to this information. Any help greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Digital Delivery Director Brian Myers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Multiple ACAD/Autodesk Product Installs

    I have mutiple versions too. Best best is start with the oldest and the base.

    In other words, I like to start with 2004 products (or whatever you have) and begin with AutoCAD. Then do any other 2004 products. Then service packs, etc.

    Then do 2005, repeat...

    If you go up the chain installing service packs as you go then you are doing installations just like Autodesk intended as versions upgraded. I've found this works the best and its what I had to do recently with the 2007 updates and some service pack issues I had with previous versions that I hadn't installed. (I have 11 different Autodesk CAD programs on mine). They are all working fine for myself.
    Last edited by Brian Myers; 2006-05-18 at 12:14 AM.

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