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Thread: How are companies using the Sheet Set Manager ?

  1. #51
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    Default Re: How are companies using the Sheet Set Manager ?

    I use SSM in all jobs for years and I'm very happy with it. In conjunction with SSMPropeditor, is totally unbeatable. It's just a matter of people getting to know what actually it can do. Some drafters from other branches use spreadsheet to "control" the title block, and it's not friendly at all. It doesn't have the automation, speed, neat organization, flexibility, etc, as SSM has. I noticed that some people won't abandon what they know and control, for something new to be learnt. I recommend it!

  2. #52
    100 Club Kevin.Sturmer's Avatar
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    Default Re: How are companies using the Sheet Set Manager ?

    From compiling sheets for specific packages to driving the templates and managing the title block changes (revs, dates, etc)

  3. #53
    Woo! Hoo! my 1st post
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    Default Re: How are companies using the Sheet Set Manager ?

    To get your sub-consultants drawings in the drawing index just create sheets with the titles of their drawings. They will be blank "dummy" sheets that you will not plot but they show up in your index.

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