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Thread: detail scaling

  1. #1
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    Default detail scaling

    I was wondering about detail scaling and auto-update of dimensions and text. Is there such a way to have a detail that is inserted for a detail sheet (in model space) to be scaled up or down through a viewport (in paper space) and have the text and dimensions update to that new scale?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator david_peterson's Avatar
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    Default Re: detail scaling

    I believe you can if you use all multi view blocks. You can then set the block to a display rep/scale Sim to this grid bub.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: detail scaling

    I see that this can be done with object blocks, can this be done with text and dimensions?
    Or are you saying to make the detail into a block / multiple blocks with different scale text and dimensions?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator david_peterson's Avatar
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    Default Re: detail scaling

    I wouldn't suggest it, because it'd take you longer to set it up than it would to change it. I just wanted to let you know that I believe it's possible with dimensions. I don't know that you can get text to automatically scale itself. Plus I believe you'd want to do this if your view file, not the sheet file. Sheets are just that, sheets. The point of doing things this way is so that you don't have problems when it comes time to print.

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