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Thread: Writing a Short program from Large Program

  1. #1
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    Default Writing a Short program from Large Program

    Dear All,

    I have a very big program there is a sub procedure name of "towertype1". I have created there is a 500 nos. of lines. but I have a nos. of towertype2......870 nos. of tower panel design means you just think about How may lines are I have to creating is 4,35,000 and also I have set the Xdata, make a Technical report also. Is this any possibilities to make short.

    Can any body make a short program which I have created.

    So, Give me you Email ID so that I can mail my program. Pls. also tell me the program technique to make short.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Writing a Short program from Large Program


    pl. excuse me if i am wrong..
    looks to me you are not following modularity in your
    programming.Try to divide your total task into a number of smaller
    procedures.also try to create general functions/procedures which
    you can call repeatedly.Modular programming will
    help you to improve readablity,better documentation,
    also it can create sort of open architecture which will help for
    future extensions in case u require.Again..i am not
    trying to be critical..just felt that these tips might be
    helpful for you.


  3. #3
    The Silent Type RobertB's Avatar
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    Default Re: Writing a Short program from Large Program

    I would advise using a class module to create a "Tower" object that returns the data you need.

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