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Thread: Select All shows stuff, but I can't select the stuff by itself

  1. #1
    Active Member Pontoon's Avatar
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    Default Select All shows stuff, but I can't select the stuff by itself

    Sounds weird but I'll explain.
    Using AutoCAD 2002
    If I use zoom all command the drawing I'm looking at is off centre and smaller than it should be. So I then use ctrl + a and it highlights a load of stuff to the right of the drawing. I cancel the select then try to highlight those things to the right to delete them, if they are not affecting the drawing, but it isn't letting me select them.

    Can someone give me a hint how to do this?
    I've attached the file so you can see what I'm talking about.
    Apologies if this is really basic, but everyone has to start somewhere... I've just be starting for a long time...
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time zoomharis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Select All shows stuff, but I can't select the stuff by itself

    Hi pontoon,

    The problem is that the layer 'HP_9_7_050' is off and has some text objects inside that. You can turn the layen on and delete the text objects , if not required. Now it will zoom the objects to its extents.

    One more thing to consider is the difference between Zoom All and Zoom Extents. In a 2D view, the zoom all zooms to drawings limits or drawing extents, depending upon which one is greater. In your drawing, the upper limit value is more than the current extents. So you may have to redefine your drawing limits (using LIMITS command) in order to get proper result while using zoom all. I would suggest you to use Zoom Extents, if you have trouble in reseting limits.

    Hope that helps
    Last edited by zoomharis; 2006-06-29 at 11:00 AM.

  3. #3
    Certified AUGI Addict jaberwok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Select All shows stuff, but I can't select the stuff by itself

    Hi Pontoon.

    You have text objects that contain no text. Typing -


    makes every piece of text - including empty ones - show as a box.

    To return to normal set Qtext to OFF and regen again.

  4. #4
    Certified AUGI Addict jaberwok's Avatar
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    Default Re: Select All shows stuff, but I can't select the stuff by itself

    Quote Originally Posted by zoomharis
    One more thing to consider is the difference between Zoom All and Zoom Extents.
    I also find Zoom/Extents more useful than Zoom/All.

  5. #5
    100 Club The VLG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Select All shows stuff, but I can't select the stuff by itself

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontoon
    Sounds weird but I'll explain.
    Using AutoCAD 2002
    If I use zoom all command the drawing I'm looking at is off centre and smaller than it should be. So I then use ctrl + a and it highlights a load of stuff to the right of the drawing. I cancel the select then try to highlight those things to the right to delete them, if they are not affecting the drawing, but it isn't letting me select them.

    Can someone give me a hint how to do this?
    I've attached the file so you can see what I'm talking about.
    Apologies if this is really basic, but everyone has to start somewhere... I've just be starting for a long time...
    Try freezing rather then turning off. Frozen layers are not taken into account when zooming extents.

  6. #6
    Active Member Pontoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Select All shows stuff, but I can't select the stuff by itself

    I just need to get rid of excess stuff so that our viewer our database doesnt' confuse the engineers by making them look off centre. They get upset if they don't look right. Now these ones look all spiffy.
    Ta lots.

    You are all stars and deserve Hugs and Stuff


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