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Thread: Spaces in, dashes in or long file names cause print failure.

  1. #1
    Member weazel14's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Spaces in, dashes in or long file names cause print failure.

    I have AutoCAD 2006 and an HP Designjet 500. Every now and then some files don't print and HP and I pin pointed the problem a year ago to it being due to something with how AutoCAD handled its printing with certain file names and directories. In other words, if there are to many spaces or dashes or just a long directory path or name, it just fails to print. I made this awar to AutoDesk at the time, as did HP. Now I am just wondering when there will be a fix to this problem?

  2. #2
    Active Member ralphsanchez's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spaces in, dashes in or long file names cause print failure.

    If most of the problems are caused by the directory names and paths, you can try setting FULLPLOTPATH to 0. If the problems are caused by the filenames themselves, though, this probably won't help.

    Quote Originally Posted by weazel14
    I have AutoCAD 2006 and an HP Designjet 500. Every now and then some files don't print and HP and I pin pointed the problem a year ago to it being due to something with how AutoCAD handled its printing with certain file names and directories. In other words, if there are to many spaces or dashes or just a long directory path or name, it just fails to print. I made this awar to AutoDesk at the time, as did HP. Now I am just wondering when there will be a fix to this problem?
    Last edited by ralphsanchez; 2006-07-07 at 01:30 PM.

  3. #3
    Member weazel14's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spaces in, dashes in or long file names cause print failure.

    Yeah... That was supposed to be the fix, but it doesn't completely fix it. It still won't print some unless you move it to the C: directory or shorten the name.

  4. #4
    AUGI Director scott.wilcox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spaces in, dashes in or long file names cause print failure.

    Quote Originally Posted by weazel14
    Yeah... That was supposed to be the fix, but it doesn't completely fix it. It still won't print some unless you move it to the C: directory or shorten the name.
    How long file names are we talking about here?

    Would this be of any help?
    Last edited by scott.wilcox; 2006-07-07 at 05:56 PM. Reason: added link

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