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Thread: Create custom ACAD objects in .net

  1. #1
    ACAD Wish List Administration
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    Default Create custom ACAD objects in .net

    Summary: The ability to create custom ACAD objects in .net

    Description: I would like to be able to create custom AutoCAD objects in .NET languages

    How Used: Since the introduction of .NET a lot of new programmers started to try customizing AutoCAD to their own needs using VB or C#, but they still need to turn to the more difficult C++ language to be able to create custom objects.

    Feature Affinity: API

    Submitted By: Rene Bult on June 22, 2006

  2. #2
    Wish List Administration
    Join Date

    Exclamation Re: Create custom ACAD objects in .net

    Create custom ACAD objects in .net

    Summary: The ability to create custom ACAD objects in .net

    Description: I would like to be able to create custom AutoCAD objects in .NET languages

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - API

    Submitted By: Rene Bult on Fri, 18 May 2012

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