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Thread: how to get dvb to run before publish plot routine

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to Hammer.John.J's Avatar
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    Question how to get dvb to run before publish plot routine

    Heres mine and many peoples problem:

    Loswitch is a killer tool for getting a layerstate restored per layout tab, i'm sure many of you are familiar with it, it is a dvb file that remembers a layer state per layout tab so you can flip between multiple tabs in 1 drawing and get totally different layerstates (colors, linetypes, EVERYTHING)

    back in LDT 03/Cad 2002, autocad would initiate or regenerate all before a batch plot or plot multiple layout tabs would take place, therefore initiate the dvb file PRIOR to the plotting process. In 06+ for some reason, the dvb file runs AFTER the plot or publish command is invoked (assuming you are publishing multiple sheets from ssm or just selecting multiple tabs)

    I need the dvb file to execute BEFORE the publish with out me going to each tab to do it.

    I'm taking suggestions. And i'll be very impressed if you guys can solve this one, because i've been asking about layerstates (LAS) layermanagers (Express tools lamn-LAY) per tab since about the first post i've been here and nobody has had a solution yet. And yes we do xref, we just have to change layerstates in drawings for various different scales, drawing types, etc.

  2. #2
    Administrator rkmcswain's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to get dvb to run before publish plot routine

    Have you considered asking the author?

    Also, if you add something to the LayoutSwitched event, it fires when you manually switch layouts, but not when the layouts are switched during Publish. There may not be much anyone can do if this event doesn't fire during this command.

    Private Sub AcadDocument_LayoutSwitched(ByVal LayoutName As String)
      MsgBox LayoutName
    End Sub
    R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |

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